Welcome to My New Blog!

A New Beginning.

Published. ·

Hi! 👋

Ever since I created the first version of this webpage back in mid-summer of 2023, I’ve wanted to start a blog to share my thoughts and knowledge with the public throughout 2025 and beyond. You might be wondering: Why not just upload your content to LinkedIn or create a Medium account? You’d get more visibility, a broader audience, and wouldn’t have to spend time building this blog.

The short, yet somewhat complex answer is: I don’t enjoy being on social media. I don’t have an active social media profile at the moment, and even if you find me on Facebook or Instagram, I probably won’t respond anytime soon. The only active social media you'll find me is on LinkedIn and if I don't answer instantly, please give me some time and I'll answer you without any problem.

The only reason I haven’t deleted my profiles is that I use Facebook to log in to certain apps… lol.

The main reason I even have LinkedIn is to find job opportunities. Additionally, it’s where I communicate with colleagues whose personal contact information I don’t have. I rarely check LinkedIn on my phone and typically only use it on my desktop or during “dead times” when there’s nothing else to do.

What Will I Post Here?

In the coming weeks and months, I’ll be writing about:

  • Monthly updates on my projects.
  • Tutorials on what I’ve learned (Computer Vision, Web Development, Data Science, CUDA, etc.).
  • Personal opinions.
  • And much more!

As of writing this, I’m currently working on in-depth tutorials for OpenCV and CUDA, focusing on how they integrate with YOLO models and how you can implement them in various projects.

Stay tuned for more content.

Happy reading and stay safe out there! 🎉