HackMTY 2023

Search Engine focused in looking for information from multiple files of different formats and interpretate them with help of OpenAI GPT-4.

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HackMTY 2023

In this edition of HackMTY, sponsored by Softtek, they gave us a challenge to create a desktop tool that uses a custom OpenAI GPT model to interpretate information from multiple files of different formats. The main goal was to create a search engine that can look for information in multiple files and interpretate them to give a better understanding of the data. This was my first time using OpenAI API, but not the regular one, the API provided by Softtek was from Azure OpenAI API. This was a great challenge because there wasn't an official documentation of the API, so we had to ask to the Softtek engineers to help us to understand the API and how to use it.

The tool was created using Python and StreamLit to create the GUI. The tool was able to read multiple files of different formats such as .txt, .csv, .json, .docx, .pdf, and more. The tool was able to read the files and interpretate the information and give a better understanding of the data.