Vanttec - SDV Vision
Creating Computer Vision tools for the Self-Driving Vehicle project at Vanttec
My current teammates that I love to being part :-)
Vehiculos Autonomos No Tripulados del Tecnologico de Monterrey (Vanttec) is a robotics and research team at my university in Monterrey, Nuevo León. We focus on creating autonomous robots for research purposes and participate in robotics competitions such as Roboboat in Sarasota, Florida, USA. I joined in March 2024, and since then, I've been pursuing this activity as a hobby when free from academic responsibilities.
I'm currently working on the SDV (Self-Driving Vehicle) project, developing Computer Vision tools to help the vehicle understand its surrounding environment. My main goal is to rewrite existing Python code in C++ to improve performance. This includes creating new ROS2 nodes that control various parts of the SDV. While some parts of the code are not available to the public yet, several test implementations are accessible on my GitHub.